5 Empowering Things to Remember When
You're Taking Yourself Too Seriously
Life is absurd! And, it becomes even more absurd when you start taking yourself too seriously.
Why would I say that life’s absurd? Well, let’s start with the fact that you live in this ultra-complicated body that no one, since the dawn of time, has been able to figure out in its entirety. And, along with this absurd body, you were given the gift of an even more perplexing brain.
This brain is what makes you take yourself too seriously. Because it’s just smart enough to know that there must be a reason you’re here and just dumb enough that it will never be able to figure out what your purpose truly is. That’s the great cosmic joke, isn’t it?
No one has ever been able to figure out why they’re here. And, even if you think you find your purpose, how do you know that you’re right? You don’t! So, you spend all this time taking yourself too seriously, searching for meaning, and trying to make an impact on the world. And for what? Stress? Anxiety? Despair?
But that’s no way to live! I dare say, it even sounds a bit absurd. ?
So, in the moments when you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by your search for meaning and purpose, remind yourself of 5 empowering things — the only things you really need to take seriously.
Keep scrolling for the 5 empowering things!
The 5 Empowering Things
The Things You Need to Take Seriously
Responsibility — now there’s a word that’ll make you to take yourself too seriously, won’t it? Maybe that’s because you aren’t sure what your responsibilities in this life are — another absurdity of life.
I wasn’t sure myself, so I consulted with 5 experts on the subject of personal responsibility (via YouTube ?) and narrowed their words of wisdom down to 5 things you need to take responsibility for:
- Staying true to yourself.
- Challenging yourself to do just a tiny bit more than you think you can.
- Taking full advantage of the opportunities you are given.
- Using those opportunities to be a force for good.
- Being of service to others when it’s called for.
So, the next time you notice that you’re taking yourself too seriously, read through this list again, and ask yourself if you are focusing on these 5 empowering responsibilities.
These are really the only things you need to take seriously. And, if you do, I bet you’ll find that the absurdities of life melt away and everything else falls into place.
Want to know how I came up with these 5 empowering responsibilities? Check out this essay: Are You Taking Responsibility When You Don’t Need To?
Or, you might find value in this essay, which was inspired by the poop emoji ?, The Best Personal Growth Goal You Can Have
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like me to point you in the direction of more tools you can use on your personal development journey. Here’s my email: amanda@theexpectationgaps.com.
Click here for more posts with a “personal growth” theme.
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And until next time . . . have an ABSURD day!
Take a screenshot for a quick reminder of the 5 empowering things you need to take seriously:
- Staying true to yourself.
- Challenging yourself to do just a tiny bit more.
- Taking full advantage of your opportunities.
- Using these opportunities to be a force for good.
- Being of service to others when it’s called for.

You have a knot in your stomach telling you that something is missing from your life, but you don’t know what it is. On the surface, you have everything you could ever want. Yet . . .
You’re frustrated…overwhelmed…”crazy busy”…burned out…unfulfilled…

That’s why I’ve been focused on living with intention and becoming a Deliberate Thinker for ~ 10 years.
I want to help you with your journey by sharing mine.