There's No Such Thing as a Comfort Zone
“Get out of your comfort zone.” Are you beyond sick of hearing this command? I know I am!
Don’t get me wrong; I agree with the sentiment. Still, this phrase is so overused, and if you Deliberately Think about it, doesn’t even make sense.
You can’t get out of your comfort zone because there’s no such thing as a comfort zone. At least 95% of life is uncomfortable. Think about it; how often are you completely comfortable? That’s what I thought.
When you “get out of your comfort zone,” what you’re really doing is exchanging one level of discomfort for another. You’re trading a path that is no longer serving you for one that has the potential to serve you. You’ve changed your mind about the type of discomfort you are willing to accept.
That’s really it! I’ll give you some examples to bring my theory home if you stick with me, but I have one thought to add before we get there.
When you stay within your perceived comfort zone, what you’re really doing is trying to avoid uncertainty. You’re trying to stay where you “know” you are safe. Unfortunately, that place does not exist.
Not one single thing in this life is certain. The sooner you (and I) accept this, the sooner you will be on your way to living the fulfilling life you were meant to live.
Keep scrolling for those examples.
Concluding Thoughts
Examples of trading one discomfort for another:
- You choose to photocopy your life, doing the same thing day in and day out. Why? Because it’s safe, certain, and comfortable. Or is it? You could chase your potential (responsibly!) and be uncomfortable for a year or two. Or, you can remain “comfortable” and suffer years of uncomfortable regrets. Those are really the only two choices you have.
- You choose not to take care of your body by working out. Why? Because it’s hard to do, and it’s uncomfortable. But aren’t you uncomfortable all day, every day, suffering from low energy and plenty of aches and pains, anyway? Why not bite the bullet and be uncomfortable for 30 minutes a day while you’re working out? You’re going to be uncomfortable either way, but you’re going to feel a heck of a lot better if you invest that 30 minutes wisely.
- You choose not to have that difficult conversation. You know, the one that could make or break a relationship. Why? Because it’s going to be uncomfortable for a few minutes. Meanwhile, you will feel sad, angry, and/or anxious, for days, maybe even years, if you avoid the conversation. Again, why not just get it over with and suffer the short-term discomfort?
If you need help figuring out which kind of discomfort you are willing to accept, maybe you need some support from these 3 people:
3 People Who Will Help You Become Your Best Self
Or, maybe you need some real-life examples of what happens when you play it safe:
Confessions of a Safety-Holic (Now in Remission)
Maybe you need some encouragement to have more faith in yourself:
Have You Opened Your Heart to God?
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Until next time . . . have an UNCOMFORTABLE day!

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