INFJ Intuition - A Blessing or a Curse?
Whether you’re an INFJ or not, if you are an intuitive person, you are predisposed to stress, anxiety, and burnout. This can leave you wondering if this intuition is a blessing or a curse.
Keep reading for a bonus list of 10 of the best brain foods.
As the name would suggest, intuitives have powerful intuition. Their intuition leads to strong gut feelings and gives them the ability to predict what the future has in store.
As an INFJ, my dominate cognitive function is called “Introverted Intuition.” This means that I am constantly noticing patterns and analyzing their meanings. Let me tell ya, it gets to be a little bit exhausting at times. ?
Then, I am using these patterns to predict the future, basically. And what causes anxiety and stress? Worrying about the future.
On top of that, my introverted intuition makes it very hard for me to leave problems unsolved. In fact, a neuroscientist, Dario Nardi, found that when presented with a novel or complex problem, INFJ’s use the entire neocortex region of their brains to solve it. (This is the region of the brain involved in higher-order brain function.)
Well, no wonder I burnout so easily. This makes it sound like my brain is on overdrive most of the time.
So are these blessings or curses? Well, that depends on how we decide to embrace them. So let’s focus on 3 things that anyone, but especially intuitives, can do to manage stress and anxiety.
Keep scrolling to see what they are.

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Concluding Thoughts
Here are the 3 things intuitives can do to manage stress and anxiety:
- Get plenty of rest! I haven’t researched this much, but it makes sense that we need more rest than most people because our brains are on overdrive a lot. Stop feeling guilty. Stop thinking you’re being lazy. And rest! (I’m yelling this at myself because this is something that I’m not very good at ?.)
- Don’t fight your thoughts. An intuitive brain is constantly analyzing information, which can lead to an overwhelming amount of thoughts. If you’re like me, your solution is to try to convince your brain to shut up. But that’s just a waste of energy and ends up being counterproductive. We’d be better off just letting some of the thoughts pass by without giving them any attention. (Much easier said than done; I know.)
- Feed your brain. An intuitive brain needs fuel to keep going. Here’s a quick list of 10 of the best brain foods I learned about in a YouTube video yesterday (link below): avocados, blueberries, broccoli, coconut oil, eggs, green leafy vegetables, salmon, turmeric, walnuts, and dark chocolate.
If you’re interested in more healthy brain information:
How to Energize Yourself Before Taking That Leap of Faith
- Includes FREE worksheet
How I Energize Myself to Take My Leap of Faith
3 Healthy Habits That Are Good For Your Brain
More tips on dealing with stress and anxiety:
The Most Effective Way to Calm Your Anxiety
Deal With Burnout: 3 Things You Can Do Today
Have a BLESSED day!
The INFJ Personality Type In-Depth – A Close Look At “The Mystic”, Susan Storm, Psychology Junkie, 5.09.18
10 Things That Will Immediately Change Your Life – Jim Kwik, posted on YouTube by FightMediocrity on 6.16.19

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