When You Want to Give Up
This post is dedicated to a new member of The Expectation Gaps’ Circle — Denise! She requested a post with a positive message. Hope this fits the bill. (If you’d like to submit a topic request, fill out the form at the bottom of this post.)
When you want to give up, don’t! I have some evidence to show you exactly why you shouldn’t, but that evidence isn’t going to mean anything without a little backstory.
I’m writing this on 1.09.20.
On 4.18.19, almost nine months ago, I left my career of over 20 years to make this organization a reality. Since then, I have worked around 40 hours/week, most weeks, with no pay and very little in the way of tangible results. I’ve learned a ton and have seen many of my skills sharpen, but that’s about it.
Every decision I make in regard to this organization is made with the long game in mind, so I know that I need to trust the process, keep making small improvements every day, and be consistent. I know the results aren’t going to come overnight.
But still . . . I am human, and there are moments when I want to give up.
This week, I saw some results! Small results, but results nonetheless. Proof that my diligent work is paying off.
If you’re feeling like you want to give up on something, I hope these results will inspire you to keep going.
Keep scrolling for my results.
The Results
All of my marketing efforts are focused on Pinterest, which is definitely a long game platform. This chart shows the number of times someone clicked on one of my Pins to go to the linked post:
Besides the obvious spike, it’s important to note that I’ve had 873 link clicks in one week. Prior to this, I would get 125 or so on a good week.
In addition to that, I gained 5 new members in the past week compared to 7 in the entire 4 months that I’ve been hitting Pinterest hard.
Plus, I had my first sale of a a worksheet pack! To someone in India, while I sit here in a small town in western Michigan. Crazy!
And all of this came from 1 Pin that I first posted on 9.27.19, and the last time I reposted it was two weeks before the spike. It was a Pin that had done ok for me, but I definitely wasn’t expecting it to result in this spike.
That’s the point — you don’t know which idea or action is going to take off. There are so many unpredictable variables. That’s why you have to just keep trying, and when you want to give up, don’t! Your spike is waiting for you.
To read a bit more about playing the long game: Fulfillment Comes From Playing the Long Game.
Or, if you need inspiration to celebrate small victories: 3 Reasons You Should Celebrate Milestones.
Click here for more posts with a “trust yourself” theme.
If you’re ready to Stop Settling & Start Living! check out our home page to learn more about what The Expectation Gaps has to offer.
Until next time . . . have a STEADFAST day!
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How does that sound? Don’t overthink it; just do it. What do you have to lose?
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You’re Fed Up With Mediocrity & Want to Make an Impact
You’re frustrated…overwhelmed…”crazy busy”…burned out…unfulfilled…

I’ve been focused on becoming a Deliberate Thinker for ~10 years.
I want to help you with your journey by sharing mine.