Can Positive Morning Thoughts
Change Your Life?
The short answer — YES!!!
I’ve shared my morning routine before, and I’ll put a link to that post at the end of this one. But today, I want to focus on one aspect of my morning routine — positive morning thoughts.
First, it’s important to note that I’m not a morning person. I’m not a total bear in the morning, but I enjoy my sleep and am not often excited to get out of bed.
The second important thing to note is that my morning routine used to consist of turning the TV on to Good Morning America (GMA) first thing, eating, getting ready, and heading out the door.
Once I became a solopreneur and started working at home, I noticed that I needed to do something different in the morning to help me shake my self-doubts, worries, and fears. That’s when I started implementing positive morning thoughts into my routine. And, yes, it has changed my life.
For one thing, if I don’t get some positive, motivating thoughts coursing through my brain, especially now that I work at home, I can easily convince myself to lie back down, just for another hour ? If you have to get out the door in the morning, maybe you convince yourself to hit the snooze button, just for five more minutes. Of course, when we do that, there’s a good chance that our productivity will be subpar for the rest of the day.
Also, I think part of my old routine that drained my energy for the day was having GMA on in the background as I got ready. Let’s face it, there’s not often anything “good” about the first 20 minutes or so of GMA, or any other news program for that matter. When you’re already tired, and maybe a bit anxious as you think about the day ahead of you, then you add talk of politics, war, national disasters, and violent crimes to your morning thoughts, you’re going to have a hard time managing your anxiety and maintaining your energy levels.
Now, I watch about 30 minutes worth of motivating/inspiring YouTube videos. Plus, I perform a 10-minute guided mediation. Since I made these activities part of my morning routine, I have noticed a significant reduction in my anxiety levels and significant increases in my energy and productivity levels.
I believe that focusing on positive morning thoughts has changed my life because this practice allows me to conserve my energy for the things that are most important to me. And it allows me to be more productive. Being productive makes me feel good, which makes me want to be productive, and, as a result, life-changing habits are much easier to maintain.
I encourage you to seek out positive morning thoughts, and to get you started, I’ll share a few of my favorites.
Keep scrolling for my 3 favorites right now.
My 3 Favorite Sources for
Positive Morning Thoughts
- Evan Carmichael has several YouTube channels, and he has one devoted to morning motivation. His target audience is entrepreneurs, but anyone can benefit from the messages he shares. Plus, he’s just a super-positive person. Morning Motivation / Evan Carmichael
- The Art of Improvement is an interesting YouTube channel in that it uses animation with a voice overlay to deliver some pretty powerful messages in a fun, unique, and engaging way. The Art of Improvement
- Great Meditation is a YouTube channel devoted to guided meditations. Most of them are about 10 minutes long. Great Meditation
? Quick tip: Take a screen shot of these 3 resources so that you can easily reference them when you need to.
Here’s a link to my morning routine post that I mentioned above: My Morning Routine – 3 Empowering Habits
Click here for more posts with a “life-changing habits” theme.
If you’re ready to Stop Settling & Start Living! check out our home page to learn more about what The Expectation Gaps has to offer.
Until next time . . . have a POSITIVE day!
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