Feeling Lost? Why Your Restlessness
Could Actually Be a Great Thing
I just don’t feel like myself. I’m feeling lost, like my life lacks focus, and like I’ve lost sight of my priorities. I don’t seem to enjoy the things I used to. I have little to no motivation. And all these feelings are kind of freaking me out!
Do these thoughts sound familiar to you? Believe me, they sound familiar to me too! And I know that they would sound familiar to many of the people in my life.
So why are so many people feeling lost right now? And why could that actually be a great thing?
The obvious answer to the former question is COVID. I’m writing these words approximately 20 months into the pandemic (Holy cow! I just realized it’s been almost 2 years!), and, although life is somewhat back to “normal”, we’re still feeling an undeniable collective restlessness.
Our shared restlessness is the by-product of experiencing, first hand, what it feels like when our basic needs — such as access to food, the ability to make a living, and, of course, toilet paper — are pulled out of reach. And there’s one basic need, in particular, that has been overlooked the past 20 months; a need whose absence will leave you feeling lost.
Your need for personal growth!
So, maybe you’re feeling lost because you haven’t been focused on any level of personal growth for quite some time. You’ve been living in survival mode, or a state of mind that mimics survival mode. And, you can’t focus on personal growth when you’re in survival mode. It’s just not possible.
Of course, there could be a million other reasons why you’re feeling lost. The reason doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you shift your mindset and recognize that feeling lost could be a great thing!
Keep scrolling to find out why.
Why Your Restlessness Could Actually
Be a Great Thing
Your restlessness, or state of feeling lost, creates the perfect environment for personal growth. Here’s why.
We already know that there’s something standing between you and your need for personal growth. But, that’s not the only reason you’re feeling lost.
You also feel lost because you are not living in accordance with your values, in some way. That’s what your restlessness is ultimately trying to tell you, and it won’t give up until you listen.
Eventually, you are going to become so frustrated with your restlessness that you have no option but to make a change, hence, the perfect environment for personal growth.
The question is, what will you do with this perfect environment? You have two choices.
- You can either pay attention to your restlessness and figure out what you need to do to honor your values (i.e. focus on your personal growth), or
- You can deny your restlessness and do your best to distract yourself from it. But we both know that this option is not going to end well.
Whether it feels like it right now or not, you are facing an opportunity to become the person you were meant to be. But it’s up to you to take advantage of this opportunity!
With that in mind, I’ll leave you with one more reason that feeling lost could actually be a great thing. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson summed it up best when he said:
You have to be willing to lose your life [yourself] in order to find it.
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Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like me to point you in the direction of some specific personal development tools. Here’s my email: amanda@theexpectationgaps.com.
Click here for more posts with an “personal growth” theme.
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And until next time . . . have a VALUE-HONORING day!
Take a screenshot for a quick reminder of why feeling lost is a great thing:
- You are creating the perfect environment for personal growth.
- You are being given a chance to reconnect with your values.
- You first have to lose yourself to find yourself.

You have a knot in your stomach telling you that something is missing from your life, but you don’t know what it is. On the surface, you have everything you could ever want. Yet . . .
You’re frustrated…overwhelmed…”crazy busy”…burned out…unfulfilled…

That’s why I’ve been focused on living with intention and becoming a Deliberate Thinker for ~ 10 years.
I want to help you with your journey by sharing mine.