How to Make Lifelong Learning a
Powerful Daily Habit
When’s the last time you learned a new skill? Learned something about what makes you tick? Or learned something about the way the world works? But wait . . . if you undertook this learning only because your employer or someone else “made” you, it doesn’t count. When’s the last time you learned something just for lifelong learning’s sake?
Your answer to these questions is probably either, “I’m a lifelong learner, so of course I consciously learn something new every day,” or, “I don’t have time for that. I’m too busy trying to keep up with the everyday demands of my life.”
Whichever answer you gave, you can benefit from what I’m about to share with you.
Besides the obvious benefits of lifelong learning — career advancement, personal fulfillment, and a sharp mind — there is another not-so-obvious benefit. Lifelong learning (or staying curious, as I call it) will help you build stronger relationships because you will have a better understanding of yourself, others, and how we all fit into this world together.
This understanding will help you meet one of your basic needs, as outlined by Abraham Maslow — your love/belonging need. And we all have to meet this need if we hope to live with intention and live the fulfilling life we were meant to live.
That’s all fine and good; lifelong learning is important, blah, blah, blah. But, how can we continue our learning journey in the most efficient way possible? Because we all have many responsibilities to juggle on a daily basis.
Here are my top three lifelong learning sources:
- Pinterest – The power of Pinterest is highly underrated. Go to Pinterest, search for whatever it is you want to learn about, and you will receive hundreds of suggested blog posts, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, online courses, etc. And, for the most part, I’ve found the suggested material to be of good quality. I think this is because Pinterest is a search engine, and only the best material makes it to the top, just like Google.
- Online courses – I’ve taken several courses that were put together by content creators, and they’ve all been excellent. It’s great to learn from people who have been in the trenches of whatever you’re trying to learn because they share all the struggles and pitfalls they faced. And, if you’re looking for a one-stop shop for all your online course needs, head over to Skillshare, which is a membership platform full of online courses. (I’m not being paid to promote Skillshare. I mention it because it’s a platform that I’ve looked into using myself.)
Keep scrolling for my very favorite lifelong learning source!
My Very Favorite
Lifelong Learning Source
#3 – YouTube!!! – I can pretty much guarantee that there is a video covering anything you would ever want to learn on YouTube. I prefer watching someone speak, or having some visual aspect to my learning, to strictly reading about a topic. Plus, watching a video without transcripts leaves me no option but to take notes, and I process information a lot better when I’m taking notes.
The moral of the story — if you have access to this post, you have access to all of these resources, right in your pocket! How amazing is that? You can access them anywhere with a few clicks, and this accessibility makes lifelong learning easy and enjoyable.
What’s your favorite lifelong learning resource? Let me know in the comments!
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like me to point you in the direction of more tools you can use on your personal development journey. Here’s my email:
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And until next time . . . have an EDUCATIONAL day!
Take a screenshot to easily access my top 3 lifelong learning resources:
- Pinterest – A search engine where you can find any and all kinds of resources.
- Online courses – Offered by many content creators from their own sites or through a platform like Skillshare.
- YouTube – For all you visual learners who like to take notes.

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