3 Powerful Leadership Traits
That Will Change Your Life
You are a leader whether you realize it or not.
Maybe you don’t have the title of “leader” at work. Maybe you don’t feel like a leader in your personal life. And yet, there is definitely someone in your life who looks up to you — who follows your lead — who sees leadership traits in you that you may not see in yourself.
This person could be your child, your spouse, a co-worker, a family member, or friend. Whoever it is, they are watching you and following your lead. They are trying to emulate your leadership traits, even if they don’t realize it themselves.
Okay? But why would developing leadership traits change your life? Because you’ll be building better relationships, which will have a meaningful impact on every area of your life. And maybe, just maybe, the relationship that will be strengthened the most will be the one you have with yourself because you’ll feel proud of how you show up for life. Every. Single. Day!
So, with this in mind, let’s be intentional about the leadership traits we choose to embody. And, let’s focus in on these 3 powerful leadership traits that will empower you to build stronger relationships:
- Lead by example – This one seems pretty obvious, but how often do you fail to exhibit this trait? How often do you expect others to live up to a different standard than you are willing to hold yourself to? And preach to others without hearing the words yourself? Don’t beat yourself up. We all do it! But, becoming aware of this tendency in yourself, and focusing instead on leading by example, will help you build the trust that leads to productive relationships.
- Make others feel heard – In other words, listen! Really listen! When someone is sharing their feelings or a story about their day, stop what you are doing, look them in the eye, and focus on two things. Obviously, you want to focus on what they’re saying, but, more importantly, focus on why they’re saying it. Why is their “share” so significant to them that they felt the need to put it into words? And why are they sharing it with you? If you can figure that out, you will create a sense of belonging and validation for that person that will ripple out into positive change in their life and in yours.
Keep scrolling for 1 more powerful trait!
The Most Overlooked
Powerful Leadership Trait
#3 – Instill peace of mind – You do this by showing vulnerability, integrity, and dependability. In doing so, you show others that you are human, you have faults, and you own them. You take responsibility for your actions. And, you aren’t going to turn on them when times get tough. All of which will instill peace of mind in whoever you are influencing and build unshakeable loyalty.
Now it’s up to you. Over the next day or two, see how often you display these traits. And then challenge yourself to make small changes each day until these traits are ingrained in your personality.
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The World Needs You to Lead by Example
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Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like me to point you in the direction of more tools you can use on your personal development journey. Here’s my email: amanda@theexpectationgaps.com.
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And until next time . . . have a LEADING day!
Take a screenshot for a quick reminder of the 3 powerful leadership traits that will change your life:
- Lead by example
- Make others feel heard
- Instill peace of mind

You have a knot in your stomach telling you that something is missing from your life, but you don’t know what it is. On the surface, you have everything you could ever want. Yet . . .
You’re frustrated…overwhelmed…”crazy busy”…burned out…unfulfilled…

That’s why I’ve been focused on living with intention and becoming a Deliberate Thinker for ~ 10 years.
I want to help you with your journey by sharing mine.