3 Clues That You’re a Safety-HolicRead more
3 Clues That You’re a Safety-HolicRead more
3 Signs You’re Making the Right DecisionRead more
This is meant to be a quick/fun post. We’ll see if I can keep it short ? You’ve probably seen a picture of me on the Site. My “look” is pretty conservative and mainstream. You may know that I was a CPA (accountant) for over 20 years. I’m typically friendly and approachable. I don’t haveRead more
You’re on the street. A charismatic, familiar person approaches you and says, “Follow my lead, and I will show you the life you were meant to live. But, you have to stop what you are doing right now and do everything I tell you to do.” Would you do it? Hell no! That bitch’s crazy! WhatRead more
Companion post to Confessions of a Safety-Holic — Now in Remission As I look back on my life, I recognize that these are some clues my body was using to tell me — It’s time to make a major life change! It’s time to stop playing it safe and take that leap of faith! RunRead more
Benefits: Identify which people in your life will support you and work with you toward realizing your full potential. So That You Can: Build a Circle of people to support you when you inevitably stumble. PREMIUM CONTENT The Divisiveness Is Strong With This One When I wrote “Are You Tired of Divisive Political Messages?”, IRead more
Benefits: Define what it means to be a “good”, or better, person. So
Benefits: Discover a simple 4-stage practice that can lead you to a spiritual
Benefits: Gain an understanding of your pain-body. So That You Can: Recognize it and
Benefits: Gain an understanding of intuition’s role in your life. So That You
Benefits: Recognize the reasons it’s so hard to create a positive mindset. So